A San Franciscan's Blog Un poquito de todo

Four Years Later

After four years of no updates, I figured it was time to post a short something.

On the content front, incomplete posts are piling up and many ideas for future content are rattling around my head, but other priorities will continue to take precedent for a while. I have been able to find time to keep the technical side up to date, which is encouraging; it means I haven’t given up on this project.

My self-imposed, multi-year, social media hiatus evolved into a much more enjoyable relationship with social media. I think adopting Luna three years ago (to the day!) also helped since she helps keep my days structured and organized. She gets me out of the house really often.

On more trivial matters, I discovered the joy of using a fountain pen. There are no more over-packaged, plastic refills to buy, I get to choose from hundreds of vegan inks and it costs pennies to refill the converter with a small syringe. It “solves” the problem of what to write with. It is such a positive experience that I suspect that the past inconveniences of fountain pens, like leaking and staining, have been largely addressed with modern technology like CNC and better materials.